Reopening Update

August 14, 2020


Blueprints updated with current limited instruction information posted.  All links should work now as we had some technical issues.  I want to thank our staff as they are working extremely hard to prepare for our 2020-21 school year reopening.  As you have heard by now, we will have students in grades k-3 on campus in smaller cohorts.  The elementary principal will release the cohort lists asap with the teacher of record.  The elementary blue print link .  We will offer a safe environment for our students and staff.  It will take everyone working together to make sure this is a successful reopening with people on-site.  This means families must follow the guidelines and well as our students and staff.

Grades 4-12 will use the comprehensive distance learning (CDL) model for the first nine weeks.  However, we will be able to bring some students onto our campus under the limited time instruction exception.   The building principals will provide details concerning what groups and schedules for them asap.  The updated middle school blue print link.  The updated high school blue print link.

Some other major changes include students first day of school is Tuesday, September 8, 2020.  Originally, students first day was Monday, August 31, 2020, our staff need additional time preparing for the start of the school year.  Staff will have four more days to prepare for the learning model they are using.  Part of this time will be used to prepare students and families for their learning.  Teachers will contact families and explain their daily schedule and provide training on how to use the different programs for the students learning.  Another major change is our elementary and middle school will finish their day at 2:35 p.m.  This is one hour earlier than our regular dismissal time.  This allows our k-8 students to ease into the learning after many months away from the school.  It also gives teachers time to meet with their professional learning community, PLC.    All licensed staff follow the prescribed workday of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and will be on campus unless they meet the high-risk category.

We look forward to another exciting school year that will definitely have its challenges.  We will work hard to continue doing what is best for kids in the Harrisburg community.