Welcome to the Transportation Department of the Harrisburg School District.
My name is Amy Traw, and I am the Harrisburg School District Transportation Supervisor. I grew up in Harrisburg, and attended school here kindergarten through graduation. I am married and have three children who have all attended school here, as well. We feel this is a wonderful town to raise a family.
It is a great honor and privilege to be serving the Harrisburg School District and the Harrisburg community. I have been driving bus for the district for 10 years. Everyday, I see evidence of why this is such a wonderful and caring school district and community. I love how the parents walk their students to the bus, give them a kiss goodbye, and wait at the road to wave as the bus goes by, and then greet them at the end of the day and ask, "how was your day?" I have seen bad days at school turn into great days on the bus.
My goal is to provide the district with well trained, safe and caring drivers. Drivers are usually the first school personnel a bus rider sees in the morning and the last in the afternoon, and I want it to be enjoyable for the students. Please, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.
Amy Traw
Transportation Supervisor
Ph# 541-995-6544 ext. 267
Please have your student at the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled arrival time of the bus. Sitting on the road with the stop lights on is not safe for the bus load of students, or the students running to the bus.
There is one drop off for each student. Thank you for understanding.
PLEASE remember that on school days, for the safety of all students, the circular driveway behind the elementary cafeteria is CLOSED. This is a loading and unloading zone for buses only. Thank you for your cooperation. Students may be dropped off along the front of the school on Smith Street. Students who are having breakfast may enter through the front doors at the office and walk down the hall to the cafeteria.
Please be considerate of the crossing guards. They are there to help students cross safely.