Check out our FACEBOOK page @HarrisburgJuniorHighSchool
To ensure our students safety here at school, we REQUIRE all parents and visitors to check in at the office during school hours. Parents are not allowed down the halls during class time. Hallways also tend to be very busy at the start and end of the school day so you are welcome to wait in the school lobby area by the front office. Thank you.
Nominate an employee or volunteer for an eagle spirit award. In recognition of them going above and beyond!
You may also pick up a nomination form at the front office.
We also now have a new online link in order to take care of student information. You will be receiving a letter with full instructions. Please click on link below when you are ready to get started.
We now have a new login for paying fees online called touchbase. You will need your students DBN number, if you do not have this number please call the office.Please DO NOT use pay schools anymore, instead you will need to go to the following link
Parents: Here is the link to TouchBase
To fill out the free and reduced applications click on picture below
To put money on your students lunch/nutrition account
Nutrition: $1.60 per day
Lunch: $2.85 per day
Carton of milk only .35c

Opening the door for you to help the kids in our community.
You can help our students at Harrisburg Middle School now by clicking on our donation site.
You can donate to four different areas, student body, band, sports and our counselor account.
(click on picture link below)
All you have to do is click on the link above and you will be directed to the donation site. From there you will be able to enter your information, choose our school and the site you wish to donate to. It is super easy! Thank you in advance for your help and support!! GO EAGLES!
A student can only succeed if they have the right materials. Your donations to the general student body will go to buying much needed supplies for the students.
Playing music can be so important in a kids life. Help supply our MS band kids with instruments, classroom instrument repair, sheet music and other needed band supplies.
So many students would love to play sports but the fees can be an obstacle the family can not overcome. Help our MS kids pay their sports fees.
Sometimes families are in need for many different reasons outside of school and our counselor is there to be a helping hand for them. Donating to this area would give her the ability to help families with many things ranging from clothing to food or anything that would be a hardship for them in their day to day living.