Student of the week

Student Of The Week May 13th-:17th  Maiya Skilling

Maiya is a wonderful student to have in class. She always does her best throughout all my classes with her. I have always seen Maiya with a smile on her face. Maiya is not afraid to ask questions when she doesn't understand something. She can work well with anyone in the classroom.Maiya is SO SWEET! She has a fantastic smile and always brightens the room! She works diligently and pays attention to details. Maiya has been a wonderful addition to HHS. She always has a smile on her face and works very hard at her school work. Maiya has grown so much this year. She is always kind and polite to work with. I really appreciate how much Maiya has grown in confidence and how she works hard in her classes. I am so proud of the work Maiya does! Maiya always comes to class with a smile and is ready to do her best, she works hard while in the weight room! She is willing to try something new, even when it makes her uncomfortable.