Talented and Gifted (TAG)
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Instructional Services and Approaches

B. Advanced Placement (AP) Course Offerings
Name of AP Course | Schools and Grade Levels Offered |
AP Literature | Offered Every other year to grades 11-12 |
AP Language & Composition | Offered Every other year to grades 11-12 |
AP US History | Offered Every other year to grades 11-12 |
Wr 121/122 (College Now) | Offered Every year to grades 11-12 |
Medical Terminology (HP100) | Offered to grades 11-12 (one semester course) |
Intro to Health Office Procedures (HP110) | Offered to grades 11-12 (one semester course) |
SOAR | Selected students in grades 11-12 may take coursework directly from a community college - paid for by the district. Courses are chosen by the student and HHS Counselor. |
Teacher’s Knowledge of TAG Students in Class
Key Questions | District Procedure |
Are Personal Education Plans (PEPs) required or optional? At which grade levels are PEPs required? | |
Are Instructional Plans required or optional? Which courses are required to have Instructional Plans? | |
How are families notified regarding the opportunity to discuss the PEP or IP designed for their student’s learning? | ● Families will be invited to collaborate and be involved in the process of the development of a TAG plan for their student. |
Key Questions | District Procedure |
What procedures are in place to ensure classroom teachers K – 12 know who the TAG identified students are in their classrooms? | The district team members will inform the teachers in their building at the beginning of each school year. Students will be identified in Synergy. |
What procedures are in place to ensure classroom teachers K – 12 know where they can get support if needed specific to the TAG services the district offers? | The district team will provide PD during in-service week each year as well as present at a building level staff meeting after each round of benchmark testing. |
How do teachers determine rate and level needs for students in their classrooms? | ● Consistent patterns on CFAs |
TAG Enrichment Opportunities
TAG Enrichment Opportunities (Note: After school opportunities do not replace daily TAG instruction and services) | Explanation of Opportunity |
STEM | After school robotics and exploration, LBCC Mechatronics field trip |
CTE field trip | OSU CTE experience, “Women in Engineering” |
AVID elective | Students attend university field trips, lead collaborative study groups, discover college and career opportunities post high school |