Talented and Gifted (TAG)
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Identification of TAG-Eligible Students
Identification Practices (OAR 581-022-2500) | Evidence and Explanation of Identification Practices |
Students who do not qualify yet will be monitored and additional data will be reviewed at a later time determined by the TAG team. A review will occur at least annually. All information will be filed in a TAG- labeled folder and kept in the TAG coordinators files. Families will be informed through the family letter. A TAG plan will be developed and reviewed with the student’s teachers annually. | |
Multiple modes and methods of data collection used in the identification process. Aligned to OAR 581-022-2325 (2)(b)(c) | Multiple Measures and Modes that demonstrates a preponderance of TAG ability that include qualitative and quantitative data Modes and Measures of Data for TAG Identification |
Culturally responsive practices specific to identification. Aligned to OAR 581-022-2325 (1)(a), (2)(d)(A-E) | Use of CLED scales document CLED_Scales2015 (1) |
Research-based tools, instruments, or considerations utilized to equitably identify students from underrepresented populations including, but not limited to: students experiencing disabilities, students who are culturally and linguistically diverse | KOI, NNAT, CogAT, OSAS and utilize the ELL Characteristics profile and collect work samples from the student. |
Methods and practices that minimize or seek to eliminate the effects of bias in assessment and identification practices | All district staff will receive training during in-service week and/or within the first 4 weeks of the school year. The PD will provide information on: |
● Characteristics of English Language Learners Characteristics of Gifted English Learners | |
Universal Screening/Inclusive considerations | Staff will follow instructional best practices as well as follow all 504 plans and IEPs. |
Assessment data, specifically addressing the use of national norms, local norms, or both in identification data collection | We will use: |
Qualitative data (teacher, parent, and student checklists, observational data, portfolios, and classroom performance, etc.) | We will use two documents to capture input: |
A tool or method for determining a threshold of when the preponderance of evidence is met. | |
TAG Eligibility Team | We will establish a team that will include: |
Documents that are included in the student's cumulative record file regarding TAG identification and the eligibility teams’ process to determine identification | A student’s TAG folder will include: |
Is a universal screening instrument used at a specific grade level? | Yes |
What is the broad screening instrument and at what grade level is it administered? | |
How is the screener used in the identification process (i.e. what percentile threshold, if any, is used to initiate the eligibility process; and how are percentiles used to promote, rather than extinguish, eligibility)? | ● 100% of scores are Nominated for TAG Identification ● 10-20% of scores are Considered for TAG Identification using a Case Study |
Does your district accept TAG identification from other districts in Oregon? | Yes |
Does your district accept TAG identification from other states? | Yes |
Do local norms influence the decision to honor identification from other districts and states? | The TAG committee will review the student’s TAG identification documents, determine if items are missing from HSD’s process and administer missing items. The team will then review the additional data and create an updated plan for the student. |
Identification Practices (OAR 581-022-2500) | Evidence and Explanation of Identification Practices |
Aligned to OAR 581-022-2325 (1) | HSD will offer multiple ways for students to be identified as TAG. These include: |