Talented and Gifted (TAG)
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Contact Information
Contact Information for District and School TAG Personnel | Name of Contact | Email Address | Phone Number |
District TAG Coordinator/Administrator | Darcey Edwards | darcey.edwards@harrisburg.k12. or.us | 541-995-6544 |
The person responsible for updating contact information annually on your district website | Tia Bodine | 541-995-6626 | |
Person responsible for updating contact information annually on the Department | Tia Bodine | 541-995-6626 | |
Person responsible for sending copies of the district-level TAG plans to building-level personnel (TAG coordinators, principals, etc.) | Darcey Edwards | darcey.edwards@harrisburg.k12. or.us | 541-995-6544 |
TAG contact for Harrisburg Elementary School | Darcey Edwards | darcey.edwards@harrisburg.k12. or.us | 541-995-6544 |
TAG contact for Harrisburg Middle School | Graham Hughes | graham.hughes@harrisburg.k12.or.us | 541-995-6551 |
TAG contact for Harrisburg High School | Richard Fielder | richard.fielder@harrisburg.k12.or .us |